… in addition to his skills as a writer and designer, Mike Cobb is a talented cartoonist.  And, cartoons can sometimes add a very special eye-catching, story-telling dimension to marketing materials.  Cartoons can, for example, add a strong and interesting visual representation where photography is not available or an option.  Cartoons can also inject an element of humor to brighten a message.


… MCC has used cartoons to illustrate marketing materials, telling a story in graphic pictures in ways not easily done with photographs.
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 … cartoons can illustrate ideas, concepts, and situations in ways that photographs can not and which are more ‘alive’ than graphic designs.


 personal stories can take on a special character when illustrated with a caricature.
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… Mike Cobb is a political cartoonist whose thoughtful and insightful messages are hard hitting He has had originals requested by a California first lady and a United States Senator. (of different parties).
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